HSI is a signatory to the Carbon Emission Pledge – the “Green Pledge.” Although the pledge specifically refers to mediation, HSI is committed to honoring the pledge in all of the work we do (mediation, facilitation, arbitration, peacebuilding, etc.). The pledge was presented by the World Mediators Alliance on Climate Change – the website for the Alliance and the pledge sign-up page can be found at GREEN PLEDGE.
Carbon Emission Pledge
Holistic Solutions, Inc. (HSI) is a supporter of and signatory to the World Mediators Alliance on Climate Change (WoMACC).
We have committed to minimising the environmental impact of each case or project in which we are involved in the ways outlined in the Pledge, including avoiding unnecessary travel and using electronic technology wherever possible.
We are also committed to encouraging those with whom we work similarly to minimise their carbon emissions.
The full pledge is also included by reference in HSI’s Terms of Engagement. We invite the parties to give consideration to the Pledge.